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From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at www.managing-creativity.com The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. The Hero's Journey: Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told. Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on. Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created. The Hero's Journey is also a study of repeating patterns in successful stories and screenplays. It is compelling that screenwriters have a higher probability of producing quality work when they mirror the recurring patterns found in successful screenplays. Screenwriting: The Incredibles (2004) Deconstructed The following deconstruction is best understood by watching the film simultaneously... Introduce Hero, Romantic Challenge and Loyal Ally (Bob [Mr Incredible], Helen [Elastigirl] and Lucius [Frozone]). Hero in Ordinary World: being a superhero, saving the cat, "I got time," hero's capabilities etc. Introduce Antagonist: we meet Buddy [Syndrome] as a boy. Antagonist's back story. Develop Hero and his Romantic Challenge: Bob with Helen on the rooftop. Antagonist Motivated: Bob rejects Buddy. Going on a Journey: Bob and Helen get married; their challenges made explicit. Foreshadow of the Journey: Bob tempts fate; "we're superheroes, what could happen?" Call to Adventure: all superheroes retired. Refusal of the Call: Bob resists "retirement." Hero pulled into the Journey: the situation is out of Bob's control. First Threshold: Bob as an insurance agent. This World is diametrically opposite to the Ordinary World Bob has just come from: Insurance office is grey and grim. Hero and his Romantic Challenge developed: Bob and Helen's relationship developed while she's giving the baby a bath. Hero's True Nature revealed: under pressure, Bob helps the old lady. Introduce Interdictor: we meet Bob's boss. Introduce Ally and Inner Challenge: we meet Dash and his desire to reach his potential but is held back. Introduce Ally and Inner Challenge: we meet Violet and her self-conscious apprehension tangibly illustrated by her reaction to the boy. Hero Frustrated: Bob restrained in his car; trashes the car. Inner Cave: everyone around the dinner table; challenges and conflicts developed Foreshadow of the Journey: Bob reads the paper; old superheroes gone missing. Physical Separation: Lucius arrives and Bob drags him off; dead of night; haste; deception. Reminiscing: Bob and Lucius discuss Old Times. Foreshadow of the Journey: Mirage watches. Warnings against the adventure: Lucius warns Bob that they shouldn't be playing superheroes. Pushed into the adventure: Bob and Lucius play superheroes; save innocents from the fire. Challenges Developed: Bob arrives home and is admonished by Helen; conflict between Hawks and Doves: Helen, Dash, Violet join in the argument; capabilities of allies developed: we see their superpowers in action. Interdiction: Bob's boss warns him not to react to the mugging. Consciously breaking the Interdiction: Bob punches his boss. Pulled back: Bob admonished by the government boss. Expectations: the little boy expects action. Herald's Call: Bob gets Mirage's message. Pulled Back: Helen yells "it's time for dinner, honey." Yearning for the adventure: Bob in his room alone, at night Pulled Back: Helen appreciates that Bob sticks to his frustrating job. Enacting a Deception: Bob lies to Helen he's going to a conference. Hero consciously says "yes" to the journey: Bob phones Mirage. Meeting an Ally / Shape Shifter: Bob meets Mirage. Hero travels to the World of the Transformation and Trial 1: Bob travels to Syndrome's World and the Learning Robot. World of Trial: Polar Opposite to that from which the Hero came. Trial 1 occurs in the "depths of the psyche:" Bob travels "down." Trial 1: Initially the hero is unfit and finds it difficult; Bob loses. Trial 1: Inner Strength pulls the Hero through: Bob finally wins. Antagonist surprised by the Hero's overcoming of the First Trial. Sets another: Syndrome watching and triggers next phase Foreshadow of the Seizing of the Sword: Bob spots the entrance to Syndrome's control centre; "the host" is talking to Mirage. Antagonist and Shape Shifter relationship developed; celebrating the passing of the First Trial; dinner. Trial 2 and Time Stretch: Bob trains up and gets fit again. Threshold Guardian; the Meeting with the Supernatural Aid and Losing the Old Self: Bob travels to meet Edna. Receiving of Magical Aids: Edna gives Bob a new super suit. Foreshadow of the Adventure for Allies and Discovery of the Deception: Helen listens into the phone call with Mirage and suspects. Journey to Trial 3: Bob travels back to Syndrome Land. Recognising a Changing Hero: Mirage notices the new suit. Allies Pulled In: Helen finds the old super suit. Others recognise the Hero has transformed: Bob now wears a new suit Entering the World of the Sword: Bob enters Syndrome's World againwaterfalls etc Allies Pulled In: Helen contacts Edna. Trial 3 and Near Death Experience: Bob battles the souped up machine and Syndrome reveals himself; Bob forced into the underwater cave and hunted. Allies meet Mentor / Supernatural Aid and receive Magical Aids: Helen meets Edna and gets the super suits. Journey to the Sword: Bob successfully enters Syndrome's Control Centre. Apotheosis (Allies): Helen finds out Bob has been lying. Seizing the Sword: Bob enters the control centre. Mentor pushes Allies into the Journey: Edna pushes Helen to go. Inner Chamber: Bob finds out who killed the other superheroes and Syndrome's plans. Allies persuaded to Travel; Preparing for the Seizing of the Sword: Helen et al prepare. Rebirth through Death: Bob faces Syndrome; Helen, Violet and Dash gets shot down and fall into the sea. Apotheosis (Shape Shifter):Syndrome gambles with Mirage's life. Separation: the children given permission to use their super powers and left to fend for themselves. Journey and conflict to the Atonement (Bob and Helen): Helen gets caught between the sliding doors. Journey to the Atonement (the children): Dash and Violet realise the value of their powers; save themselves from the rocket fire. Antagonist's plan proceeds: Syndrome sends the robot to a major city. Atonement with the Father (the children): Dash and Violet learn to use their powers. Atonement with the Father: Helen rescues Bob. Apotheosis: Bob realises Helen is the perfect woman. Apotheosis (the children): Dash realises he can walk on water and Violet is effective as invisible woman. Ultimate Boon: Synergy: The Incredible family fight as a single unit, together, against a common foe. Refusal of the Return: Syndrome captures the whole family. Antagonist reveals himself: Syndrome reveals his motivations, crimes, plans, etc. Time Pressure: Syndrome's plan initiates. Magic Flight: The incredible escape. Rescue from Without: Mirage helps them escape; Lucius looks for his super suit. Time Pressure: Syndrome's robot loses control. Crossing the Return Threshold: The Incredibles fly to where the robot is; Helen gives orders on the freeway; Bob tells Helen he cannot live without her. Master of the Two Worlds: Bob et al defeat the robot. Catharsis: Physical expressions of joy. Final Catharsis: Bob defeats Syndrome. Freedom to Live: at the game; Dash controls his speed; Violet gets a date; they're a family; they'll return to being superheroes (the arrival of the underminer). Learn more The Complete 188 stage Heros Journey and FREE 17 stage sample and other story structure templates can be found at http://managing-creativity.com/ You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site. Kal Bishop, MBA ********************************** You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made and the author's name and site URL are retained. Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. His specialities include Knowledge Management and Creativity and Innovation Management. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached at http://managing-creativity.com/ See Also: Term Life Insurance - Save Money the Smart Way Why Bother With Farmers Auto Insurance? Is A Cheap Life Insurance Policy Right For You And Your Family? Life Insurance Leads, Insurance Leads, and the Online Lead Generation Business |
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